Becoming a Vegetarian…

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve been getting back into the swings of university and what not. However, I am BACK!!!

In the new year, 2nd January at 8:36pm I watched a show on Netflix called ‘Vegucated‘. I actually shed tears at this show, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach, I felt sick. I couldn’t believe what I was allowing all these 18 years of eating meat. It opened up my ignorant eyes and that night I turned Vegetarian. Yes the show focuses on Vegan, but currently with my income and that I am at university it would be difficult at this moment in time, so I am a Vegetarian.

What I noticed since becoming Vegetarian:

  • crueltyMeat is everywhere
  • Quorn is really expensive
  • Quorn ham is disgusting 😛
  • People look at you funny when you tell them you’re a vegetarian
  • I’ve eaten a lot of cheese
  • I feel lighter after my meals
  • I am choosing the healthier meals at restaurants
  • It’s so much easier than I thought it would be


Here are some more educational videos about how the meat and dairy industry hurt our animals:

  • Forks over knives (2011)
  • Earthlings (2007)eat veggie
  • Cowspiracy (2014)
  • The Cove (2009)
  • Crazy Sexy Cancer (2007)
  • Live and Let Live (2013)




  • A lifelong vegetarian will save 5 cows, 760 chickens, 1/2 tonne fish, 29 sheep/lamb, 20 pigs.
  • Meat contains saturated fats, cholesterol, hormones and antibiotics and toxins.
  • A vegetarian diet could feed more people: 80-95% of the grain grown in the US is fed livestock. Many more people could be fed on the soy beans and grain grown for animals.
  • The livestock industry produces 18% more C02 emissions than transport



  1. Ellen DeGeneres
  2. Prince
  3. Ozzy Osbourne
  4. Gandhi
  5. Mike Tyson
  6. Albert Einstein
  7. Paul McCartney
  8. Leondardo da Vinci
  9. Brad Pitt
  10. Steve Jobs


These were just a few interesting facts. Are you a vegetarian/Vegan? Would you ever consider going one? Write in the comments below 🙂


Until next time,
